Storm water retention pond above a 400-year-old gallery

Project: Storm water retention pond Ziegenschleppe, Schneeberg/Erzgebirge, Germany Product: Bentofix® BFG 5000 | Secudrain® 201 WD 601 201 | Secugrid® 200/40 R6 | Secugrid® 60/60 Q6

  • Plastics
  • Por:Hector Mota En: September 24, 2021

Cut-rite. The best board for cutting food

Cutting boards are indispensable tools in any kitchen. Their main function is to provide a flat and stable surface to make cuts safely and protect the tables and extend the life of the knife edges.

Cut-rite. The best board for cutting food

Cutting boards are indispensable tools in any kitchen. Their main function is to provide a flat and stable surface to ma...