Storm water retention pond above a 400-year-old gallery

Project: Storm water retention pond Ziegenschleppe, Schneeberg/Erzgebirge, Germany Product: Bentofix® BFG 5000 | Secudrain® 201 WD 601 201 | Secugrid® 200/40 R6 | Secugrid® 60/60 Q6

  • Plastics
  • Por:Elton Wilhelm En: July 8, 2021

Manufacture of plastic tanks in chemical industry and water management

Throughout the world, the use of plastic materials within industrial processes has been migrating faster and faster, which is more evident in the chemical industry due to the exposure of corrosive substances, where plastic materials by its good resis...

Manufacture of plastic tanks in chemical industry and water management

Throughout the world, the use of plastic materials within industrial processes has been migrating faster and faster, whi...

How can LDM help you in your plastic tanks manufacturing?

At LDM®, we have a comprehensive catalog of the highest quality equipment and materials on the market, ideal for each st...

Materials for the manufacture of plastic tanks

In recent years, the most widely used material for manufacturing tanks used in the chemical industry has been thermoplas...

Guide to make plastic tanks and factors that influence

Quality of a plastic tank depends on the materials and equipment used to make it. It also depends on each of the tanks c...